Foresight and Extreme Creativity: Strategy for the 21st Century

Your comprehensive and invaluable guide to business, management, and life in the ever-changing and increasingly complex world of the 21st century.  

Change is accelerating everywhere, and today’s leaders are facing challenges unlike any they’ve ever seen.  New technologies are radically altering the market, climate change is threatening to disrupt the planet, and political clashes, violent conflict, and terrorism are becoming common.

Globally-recognized author, speaker, and consultant Langdon Morris provides a detailed explanation of the powerful forces that are shaping today’s world, and which will impact upon us all for decades to come.   This book covers the future of technology, the possibilities for climate change and its impact on the global energy industry, the future of the population explosion and tomorrow’s cities, geopolitics in all of the world’s hot spots, and the social and cultural dimensions of change.

Hailed in early reviews as “the strategy bible for the 21st century,” and as a clear-sighted, provocative, and important guide to our future, Foresight & Extreme Creativity is the must-read book for leaders who seek a better understanding of tomorrow’s challenges and changes, which will surely  to help them to prepare for what’s to come.

Praise for Foresight and Extreme Creativity

“Likely to assume a place with landmarks like Future Shock as the most important studies of change and innovation yet written.” 
– Dr. Brett TRUSKO International Association of Innovation Professionals

“A massively comprehensive book.  Vivid. I recommend it highly.” 
– Jacob HSU, Symbio

“Systems thinking approaches to understanding our problems and opportunities.”
– Sara BECKMAN, Ph.D.,  University of California, Berkeley

“I was amazed by the depth of this book.
 Sure to be of interest to all strategic thinkers.”  

– Arthur LOK,  China Institute for Innovation

“An important book.”
– Dr. Linda SUN, International Management Review

“Packed with relevant theories and principles.  Provides rich context, data, examples and perspective on embedding innovation in your organization.”
– Suresh MATHAI, Continuum Global

“Remarkably clear guidance.  Compelling frameworks and effective approaches for de-risking the future.”
– Greg RATLIFF, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

“An interesting contribution to a field that at times underestimates the significance of the angry masses to social development.”
Scenario Magazine – Recommended

“A comprehensive, forward-looking innovation and
strategy bible for the 21st century.”

– Maria B. THOMPSON, ITW Global Innovation Framework Leader