Business Model Warfare: The Strategy of Business Breakthroughs

The most complete book on business model innovation ever written.

Innovation is a force of disruption, intentional disruption. The innovator’s goal is precisely to disrupt the incumbent, to take away market share, and the innovator knows perfectly well that to do this it must be better at something important than the incumbent was.

Business model innovation thereby makes old ways of doing business irrelevant by introducing better value propositions and better experiences for customers, and in so doing it changes the structure of the market while creating competitive advantage.

Business model innovation is also perhaps the most important form of innovation, because it’s available to any company of any size, anywhere in the world. All it takes is insight, and the willingness to listen well and try something new.

Since we all know it’s better to be the innovator and the disruptor than to be the disrupted, the purpose of this book is to be your guide to successfully competing in the hyper-speed world of new technologies, accelerating change, and brutal competition between business models.

This book is about how business model innovation happens, and how you can make it happen.


Introduction: Innovation and Disruption

Part 1: The Tao of Business Model

  1. Why Is Business Model Innovation Important?
  2. Change
  3. Fear
  4. Paranoia
  5. Business Model Innovation
  6. Behind the Experience
  7. Experience Design
  8. Hidden Knowledge
  9. Innovation Targets
  10. The Formula
  11. The Brand

Part 2: Innovation Strategy

  1. The Landscape of Disruption
  2. The Retail Apocalypse
  3. The City Transformed
  4. The Economy Transformed
  5. Business Model Dominance
  6. Business Model Platforms
  7. The Patterns of Change
  8. It’s the Technology…

Part 3: Innovation Leadership

  1. Growth and Maturity
  2. Creative Destruction
  3. Innovating the Whole System
  4. Winning and Losing at Business Model Warfare
  5. Insider and Outsider
  6. Core and Edge
  7. Creative Economy Business Models

Part 4: Step into the River

  1. Tool #1: Insight
  2. Tool #2: Foresight
  3. Tool #3: The Business Model Map
  4. Tool #3: The Value Ladder
  5. Tools #5 & 6: The Canvas and the 10 Types
  6. Tool #7: Your Business Model Action Plan

Conclusion: Winning the War

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