
Michael Kaufman: Here’s an exercise to give you a hands-on experience of what you’re going to participate in over the next couple of days.

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Output Walls (click on a thumbnail image below to open the larger image in a new window)













Michael: What did you notice when you went around the room to see  your work?

  • I noticed a lot of circles
  • There were circle people and there were list people
  • There was a lot of emphasis on patients
  • Medical homes

Michael: Was there anything that surprised you with their vision of an integrated system?

  • That they were physician-centered
  • Some think that we will have to have a 2-tiered system

Michael: What does this exercise have to do with the next couple of days?

  • There is a lack of transparency, motives and incentives. There is a glacial rate of change in adoption towards the patient-centric system. Most stakeholders want the system to be centered around themselves. The work that this group needs to do is to acknowledge the work already done and to have honesty in order to get to these idealistic places.
  • The word competence makes me think of individuals, not a system.

Michael: This group has touched on this and dovetails with a lot of the conversations that take place in many different venues about these topics.

  • We have to have tools and realistic ways to assess and implement these things..
  • We need to look at how competence relates to the competencies.
  • One thing that is a concern with an integrated healthcare system is how you monitor it. You can’t just separate the physicians without taking into consideration all the other elements. We have to be careful with how we do this.

Michael: Just to be clear, I have to let you know that this hour is not to solve this here. This is just to let you have an experience of how we work. We will create a deliverable for every round of work that we do. You will not be in every group that happens tomorrow, so we need to have trust and to take responsibility for what we need to know and to share.

I can guarantee that no one had any idea of what would come out of the conversations about the scenarios which we did in the first summit. Each of you has a responsibility to make sure your voice is heard and to hear the other voices here and see what emerges from the dialogue.

Any questions about the process?

You’ll learn more about it tomorrow. You have a reception and dinner set for you so please enjoy your evening.




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